Discover the Ray Diana Difference
For the best house painting Bolton CT, call Ray Diana Painting LLC. Expect a great job from start to flawless finish. Ray Diana Painting LLC will start with thorough wall and woodwork preparation. The surface is cleaned and primed and two topcoats of wall paint are applied. When you hire Ray Diana Painting, you get the business owner at the job site, and he has you to answer to.
Painting the inside of your home can be disruptive and a little stressful when the job drags on for too long. That isn’t a problem with Ray Diana painting. Our prep work is thorough so the primer and 2 finish coats of paint will be flawless and long-lasting. We offer a free color consultation so you know in advance what your results will be. You will not be disappointed in our process and you will love our results. We do painting, deck staining and power washing for residential and commercial properties in Eastern Connecticut. We are looking forward to meeting you. Call for a consultation today: 860-966-4565. Call us today to see what the Ray Diana difference can do for you!