House Painting – Bolton CT

For the best in professional house painting in Bolton CT, call Ray Diana Painting LLC. When you want your home to look its best, hire local professional painting contractors for the job. Meticulous house painting is only part of what you can expect from Ray Diana Painting. Outside and inside, Ray Diana Painting LLC will give your home a flawless paint job. From the wall and woodwork preparation through the second topcoat of wall paint, we do the job as it ought to be done. When you hire Ray Diana Painting, you get the business owner at the job site, and he has you to answer to.

Has your home’s exterior been compromised by algaes, molds, dirt or worse? Ray Diana Painting will clean the surface of debris, hand sand and prep the clapboards before applying a drop of paint. With Ray Diana Painting, the job will be begun on time and finished to perfection. Don’t fret about selecting paint colors – a free color consultation is included for the asking. Because our prep work is thorough, the primer and 2 finish coats of paint will look perfect for a long time. You will not be disappointed in our process and you will love our results. We do painting, deck staining and power washing for residential and commercial properties in Eastern Connecticut. We are looking forward to meeting you. Call for a consultation today: 860-966-4565. Call us today to see what the Ray Diana Painting, LLC difference can do for you!


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House Painting  | Bolton CT | Ray Diana Painting, LLC